Listening Session
His Grace Is Being
Given To Us. We Are To Share Our
Testimony Of What God Has Done And Is Doing In Our Lives.
Put On The Full Armor:
10Finally, draw your strength from the Lord
and from his mighty power. 11Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm
against the tactics of the devil. 12For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the
principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present
darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. (Eph. 6: 10-12)
* I long to be with you intimately. Receive Me.
An Understanding Of Fire In The Kingdom Of God:
I recently
attended a conference where the theme was how we are to be on fire for God and
how we are to set the world on fire for Jesus. It was brought out in the Gospel of Luke
where Jesus told his apostles, 49 “I have
come to set the world on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” (Luke 12: 49)
We often read in
scripture where there is fire in the presence of God. In one situation it may be a fiery throne
he is seated on or at other times the areas around him or even his visual
presence may have areas of flaming fire coming from him. Even on Pentecost we read where the Holy
Spirit descended upon those in the upper room as tongues of fire and then
indwelled in each of them.
I have often been
led to believe the fire in these incidences of God’s presence represents a fire
of love for us. Where this
explanation certainly seems to be appropriate I have
been confused with what fire also represents in many other places in
scripture. The Fires Of Hell are also mentioned as a severe punishment for those
who turn away from God and especially for those who cause others to turn
away. Jesus himself was quoted in
the Gospel of Mathew, 41 “The son of man will send his
angles, and they will collect out of his kingdom all who cause others to sin
and all evildoers. 42They will
throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and gnashing of
teeth.” (Mathew 13: 41-42)
Obviously these
two ways the use of fire is used in God’s kingdom seem to contradict each
other. Where the use of fire as a
form of severe and eternal punishment is an easy thing to understand, I was
strongly questioning why in scripture we read where fire is seen around God or
even sometimes coming from him. I
was contemplating what fire in the kingdom of God is supposed to represent and
asking the Holy Spirit for understanding of what appeared to me to be a strong
contradiction. After several days
while periodically reflecting on this situation, suddenly the word “Justice”
came into my mind. I immediately went
to my dictionary and looked up the meaning for the word Justice. I found there were several different
meanings for this word. Four of the
meanings I read for the word Justice are, 1). Righteous. 2). Complete fairness. 3). Sound reasoning. 4). A reward or penalty as deserved.
It Appears The Holy Spirit Did It Again: This word
“Justice,” given to me, seems to explain everything about what
scripture says about the different uses of fire in the kingdom of God.
How Great Is Our
God: - (A Song Of Praise.)
The splendor of a
Clothed in
Let all the earth
Let all the earth rejoice.
Jesus wraps
himself in light
and darkness tries
to hide
And trembles at
his voice
And trembles at
his voice.
How great is our
Sing with me.
How great is our
And all will see,
How great, how
great is our God.
When We Know Our Identity
In Christ:
16To proclaim: the Lord is Just; my rock, in
whom there is no wrong. (Psalm 92: 16)
Note To Everyone Reading This Page:
needing to be prayed over for physical, emotional or spiritual needs are
welcome to come to our prayer meetings each Sunday at 3:15 pm in the Clunan
Center, at St. Louis Parish, to request healing prayer for themselves, a family
member, or a friend.