Listening Session




*   Worship Me in Spirit and Truth.


*   I am with you all.      I have descended upon you with My Holy Spirit.


*   Faith is not faith and hope is not hope if we see that which is present to us.       I am asking you to go a step further and believe and trust what I tell you beforehand, walking by faith and not by sight.


*   Open your hearts to me.       Listen and I will speak to them.       Do not fear.       I love you.       I am helping each of you in your challenges because I love you.       If you do not feel it or see it, walk in faith because it is true.      I will help you walk in faith if you ask Me.


*   I know what I have in mind.      It is the work of My Spirit in you.       Trust Me to carry out My will in your life.


When We Help Jesus:  

Some time ago when I would encounter pain in some part of my body I started reflecting on what Jesus went through during his crucifixion.     If I was experiencing pain in a knee, I would think of what Jesus went through when fell on his knees, three times, while carrying his cross.      Or if I had pain in my foot, I would think of what Jesus went through while his feet were being nailed to the cross.      When there was pain in my back, I would reflect on what Jesus must have felt while he was being scourged at the pilar.    In every instance, what Jesus went through was so many times worse than the pain I was having.     Then I would ask God that if it were possible, I would like to use the pain I was having to take away some of the pain that Jesus felt in that area of his body during his crucifixion. 


On a couple of occasions when I was doing this, the pain I was having immediately was gone. The second time this happened, while I thanked God for removing my pain, I then told him that it was okay to give the pain back to me because I really wished to help Jesus for a longer period of time with what he suffered for all of us.     


Sometime later as I was reflecting on this I received the following from the Lord:

*   I am outside of time.     When you do something to help Me, it is for all eternity.


My response:   Lord, you allow us to do this?      WOW !!!  


*   I make all things right in the material world.      Be guided by My Spirit and you shall live in My presence.





A Note To Everyone Reading This Page:

Anyone needing to be prayed over for physical, emotional or spiritual needs are welcome to come to our prayer meetings each Sunday at 3:15 pm in the Clunan Center, at St. Louis Parish, to request healing prayer for themselves, a family member, or a friend.