Listening Session






Mission Sunday:   

God’s mission is to bring about His everlasting Kingdom.

The whole world is in His hands.      

Our praise and worship time at St. Louis Church, in Memphis, affects the whole world.


*   I am here with you.      Be not afraid of the things of this world.      Better times are coming. Share My love with those around you.


*   You are Mine.     You are under My protective care.      Stand and fight the good fight.     I watch My people.     I know their faces.      My faithful ones do My bidding.     You are under My care.


*   I lay down My life for My friends.


*   You are precious and valuable to Me.     It is through you that I reach those who are lost.    You are My voice, My hands and My feet to show them the way to a better life.


A Song That Jesus Sings To Everyone:  

Be not afraid

I go before you always

Come and follow Me

And I will give you rest 





A Note To Everyone Reading This Page:

Anyone needing to be prayed over for physical, emotional or spiritual needs are welcome to come to our prayer meetings each Sunday at 3:15 pm in the Clunan Center, at St. Louis Parish, to request healing prayer for themselves, a family member, or a friend.