Listening Session




When We Singing To The Lord:   We raise your name on high to be glorified.    


*   Be not afraid.     Come to Me and ask those around you to do the same.    When you and your nation comes to Me, I will show you a much better way. 


*   The mountains of our faith stand firm.


When Speaking Truth:   Let our Yes be Yes and our No be No.





Listening Session




*   I hear you and all who are here with you.      I have called you here today and I have specific plans for each of you.      There is much to do.      Seek me in quietness and listen.      I have much to tell you.


*   I lay down My life for each of you.      You are precious in My sight.      I see you as being complete in Me.      You are a part of My Body.  


*   I am with you all and I love you, my children.      Be still often and listen.      Discernment and My guidance are very important.       Keep your eyes on me.      Do not worry and be afraid.       Know that I love you and care for you.       Remember, I am in control of things beyond your reach. 



A Note To Everyone Reading This Page:

Anyone needing to be prayed over for physical, emotional or spiritual needs are welcome to come to our prayer meetings each Sunday at 3:15 pm in the Clunan Center, at St. Louis Parish, to request healing prayer for themselves, a family member, or a friend.