BISHOP: Rejoicing in the Lord, from whom all good things come, let us ask Him for our needs:
- Father and Lord of all, you sent your Son into the world, that your name might be glorified in every place, strengthen the witness of your Church among the nations, we pray to the Lord….
- Jesus, King and center of all hearts, you love us and lead us to yourself with unending love and mercy, renew your covenant with all people, we pray to the Lord…
- Jesus, our life and resurrection, you refresh the burdened and give rest to the weary, we pray to the Lord…
- Jesus, look with compassion on victims of hatred & war and render justice to the innocent who are wronged, we pray to the Lord…
- Jesus, free those in bondage and give sight to the blind, raise up the fallen and protect the stranger, we pray to the Lord…
- Jesus, you enabled the blind to see, the deaf to hear, help our unbelief, we pray to the Lord…
- Jesus, healer of body, mind, heart, and spirit, comfort & heal the sick, especially those here, seeking healing, we pray to the Lord…
- Jesus, answer those petitions we hold silently in our hearts, we pray to the lord….
BISHOP: Father, keep in mind your holy covenant, sealed with the blood of the Lamb. Forgive the sins of your people and let this evening Sacrifice of the Mass and Anointing of the sick bring us closer to salvation. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. ALL: AMEN!
Main Celebrant: Most Reverend J. Terry STEIB, S.V.D. – BISHOP EMERITUS
Con-celebrants: Msgr. Al Kirk, Fr. Richard Coy, Fr. Mathews Payyappilly
Deacons: Deacon Jeff Drzycimski, Deacon Bill Pettit, Deacon Rick Martin (MC) and Deacon Werner Rose (Liaison)
Lector: Steve Peterson, Bill Byer
Cantor: Mimi Schmitz
Choir Master/Choir: Marcus Browning with Choir Members from around the Diocese
Testimony at the Mass: Marilyn Kastner