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Pre-Lenten Mass – God’s Healing Love

Pre-Lenten Mass – God’s Healing Love

BISHOP: Rejoicing in the Lord, from whom all good things come, let us ask Him for our needs: DEACON: RESPONSE: LORD, SHOW US YOUR LOVE. Father and Lord of all, you sent your Son into the world, that your name might be glorified in every place, strengthen the witness of your Church among the nations, we pray to the Lord…. Jesus, King and center of all hearts, you love us and lead us to yourself...

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Healing Mass – October 26, 2023

Healing Mass – October 26, 2023

We thank you, Lord, for the work of healing our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies that you have already begun. We praise you for our answered prayers. We thank you for coming among us. You are Holy. You are Lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you. We lay this coming Healing Service at your feet. Come Holy Spirit! Come!...

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Faith Magazine Article: Catholic Charismatic Prayer Groups in Memphis

Faith Magazine Article: Catholic Charismatic Prayer Groups in Memphis

Faith Magazine Article: Catholic Charismatic Prayer Groups in Memphis By: Sergio Fuentes The Catholic Charismatic Renewal was born in the Church more than 50 years ago. This "current of grace" inside the Church began in Pittsburgh, Pa., when a group of students got together for a weekend retreat to study the Acts of the Apostles. It was there that the Lord sent the Holy Spirit, just as it...

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Holy Spirit Prayer Group Returns from COVID – June 29, 2021

Holy Spirit Prayer Group Returns from COVID – June 29, 2021

Holy Spirit Prayer Group at Our Lady celebrated their return from COVID with a luncheon in Father Gresham Hall on Tuesday, June 29th. See the pictures below. ARTICLE SUBMITTED By Helen Lenahan: 6-29-21 The prayer group meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 1 pm in Fr. Gresham Hall. On the months with a fifth Tuesday, the group has a luncheon with fellowship. At their prayer...

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Hispanic Seminar Held

Hispanic Seminar Held

1st Hispanic ‘Life in the Spirit’ seminar held. Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Knoxville leads event at All Saints - Story in the East Tennessee Catholic magazine on September 9, 2023 Click here to read the entire story!  

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