The purpose of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for the Memphis Diocese (CCRMD) is to serve God by promoting the Charismatic Renewal in the local Catholic Church within the Diocese of Memphis.
We desire to serve by:
- Being obedient to the teaching authority of the Catholic Church.
- Promoting the “Current of Grace” that is the Charismatic Renewal.
- Providing foundational growth in the Spirit by working through parish prayer groups.
- Using the gifts of the Holy Spirit to build Christ’s body.
- Working toward Christian unity.
In keeping with this we have initially identified the below in support of parish charismatic prayer group efforts this coming year and following:
- Seek wider clergy (priests and deacons) participation in prayer group events to engender the Renewal experience as part of the Holy Father’s CHARIS initiative.
- Encourage the growth of existing prayer groups in support of ongoing evangelization efforts in the life of each parish.
- Be a conduit for good communications sharing charismatic-related information and activities between prayer groups within the diocese.
- Provide prayer groups with periodic updates of diocesan, regional, national, and international events and information that advance charismatic understanding as part of our Catholic faith tradition.
- Encourage prayer groups to make greater use of spiritual gifts of healing, prophesy, prayer, and other dimensional aspects of Life in the Holy Spirit.
- Encourage periodic local Masses for Healing and Festival of Praise gatherings as a means of evangelization with and through Charismatic Worship and Healing Services.