“I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.”
-Acts 2:17 & Joel 3:1
What is the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement?
The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) laid a doctrinal foundation that prepared in a more immediate way for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Of particular importance was the recognition in Lumen Gentium of the ongoing role of charisms in the life of the Church and the call to welcome them in a discerning manner.
The origin and growth of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal occurred at a time in history when the Church was facing unprecedented challenges due to rapid secularization. The Charismatic Renewal allows people to experience the living God. Through baptism, in the Spirit, many have come to know God who is a loving father who acts in our lives, who guides protects, heals, and gives his children the fullness of life.
~International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services Doctrinal Commission
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit explained by experts
5 Years Ago:
A Current of Grace The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Golden Jubilee
15 Years Ago:
The Historical Charismatic Catholic Renewal Movement
Bishop Barron from around 2012:
Fruits of The Holy Spirit
Fr. Terry Donahue: The Baptism in Holy Spirit, Catholic Charismatic Renewal, & The New Evangelization from 2015
What Happens to us in the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”?
At Baptism: “Through baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons (or children) of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission” from the Catechism, paragraph 1213.
At Confirmation: This is a sacrament where we are sealed with the Holy Spirit and receive the 7 spiritual gifts outlined in Isaiah 11:1-3. They are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
Eucharist: We receive the very body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.
- Then we live. And sometimes we wonder why we can’t do the things we need to do for Christ. We wonder why we aren’t better than we actually are.
- The Apostles had the same experience, hiding in fear. They looked the same as they always had. The Risen Christ had breathed on them and walked with them. But Jesus told them to wait for more.
At Pentecost, they received a “Baptism in the Holy Spirit”: They were FILLED with the Holy Spirit.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit transformed them into bold witnesses.
This is the stirring of the Holy Spirit that is already within us. You have to open the gift, stirring the spirit so that it changes you. Baptism and Confirmation can be very private. The seven gifts are to edify, teach, and seal us as individuals. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit imparts special gifts or Charisms, that edify, strengthen, and grow the Church.
What are the effects of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Fr. Francis Martin says:
- A new awareness of the power of Jesus Christ, including a more intimate experience of the Holy Spirit. (You KNOW Him.)
- The presence of new Spiritual Gifts in your life called Charisms. These gifts are given to an individual for the benefit of others. They are service gifts for the sake of the Church. (I Cor 12 – Every Christian receives some Charisms, for the common good.) The manifestation of the Spirit is given to everyone, according to scripture. Vatican 2, says the Lord distributes special graces to empower us to empower the church. This grace includes gifts to enable us to help grow the church.

“Adelante! Going forward together… that all may be one” (John 17.21) – Bishop David P. Talley,
“If today you hear the voice of God, harden not your hearts…”